Thursday, May 5, 2011

i.Religion; beliefs about humans, nature, the sacred and what is sacred


As stated in an earlier blog most the main Religion in Sicily and the majority of Italy is Roman Catholic. It is very much practiced in proper fashion among the community and churches can be found all over the land. They value marriage and all the sacraments leading up to it from baptism to confirmation.  For more information seek the Bible. 

Sicilians value family above all and look out for one another no matter what. They have a hiarchy within each family and hold the grandparents as the patriarch and matriarch of each one realizing that they have experienced a lot in their time.

Below is a picture of my Uncle Anthony and his wife my Aunt Maria, with their children Elisabetha, Mikayla, and Anthony Junior. They reside today still in Sicily for the summer months and live in Massachusetts during the school year. Take note of their dark features and skin color, these are typical of most Sicilians and Southern Italians.

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